Red Lipstick Curls Latina

God's Guidance - Self Awareness - Gratitude - Community - Faith

As your Transformational Coach I am committed to guiding you to live in Purpose and finding inner Joy through God.

“Your story is your purpose”


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Our Classes:

Through detailed 5 Purpose filled steps I breakdown and help you build a foundation to begin creating a vision board which will become a reality. Many times we build a vision board with pretty pictures but never see the results because there are missing pieces…


About Gihan Manzueta

Throughout childhood I have always been curious about what life has to offer. Questioning  God and where we came from. I would even make a point to open the door when Jehovah Witnesses knocked to get their perspective, lets just say my mother was not too happy when I would do that…

“If you forget your WHY you forget your Way