Our Classes

Vision Board - Living in Purpose Workshops 

Through detailed 5 Purpose filled steps I breakdown and help you build a foundation to begin creating a vision board which will become a reality. Many times we build a vision board with pretty pictures but never see the results because we fail to understand the foundation necessary for our Vision. I have done the research and bring the missing pieces together for you to build the vision and begin living in purpose through Godly Scripture. Warning: You may walk into the workshop with a goal of getting a new car by the end of the year and end up restoring another part of your life before obtaining the material things you desire.

God's Guidance - Self Awareness - Gratitude - Community - Faith


Dream it.

We will go through the steps and breakdown what you need to do to accomplish those goals. Just know that this is a journey of self discovery which will open the doors for better relationships, clear actionable plans, and most importantly a better version of YOU.


Build it.

The steps you will learn will help you live a more joyous purposeful life. The steps provided in the course can be used throughout your journey regardless of where you find yourself in the present. Let’s build this community together of Encouragement, Motivation, and Honest Transformation.



Visionary T-shirt - 24.99

Online One On One Living Purpose Session (Sign Up for a free consultation)

The foundation to build a life you want to live starts from within.  Let's have an in depth conversation about what you want to accomplish. We will go through the steps and breakdown what you need to do to accomplish those goals. Just know that this is a journey of self discovery which will open the doors for better relationships, clear actionable plans and most importantly a better you. 

Workshops at Home

I know it is difficult to come out and try something new. Don’t fret I will come to you and your family/friends instead. I bring the workshop to you except you will need to provide the wine.


Additional Workshops Coming Soon!